Why you should sell here
Why should you sell your photos on Chobir Baksho?
Whether it’s your full-time job, a weekend hobby or you’re a student; join our community sell stock photos on Chobir Baksho to many customers. We have high brand exposure and dedicated marketing and sales teams focused on selling your stock photos. We’re a new Startup that has long working experience in the creative industry. Now came up with a solution that can solve a long-time local content problem. We have worked with big brands and agencies in need of local stock images. With lots of choices available, stock agencies have to stand out and offer something unique. Here are few reasons why we think Chobir Baksho is the best place for you to sell your stock photos:
- First Bangladeshi Photography Marketplace: Chobir Baksho is the first-ever complete stock photo marketplace in Bangladesh.
- The first place to monetize your photos: There is so many professional and non-professional photographer in Bangladesh. The professional and non-professional ratio would be 10:90. Means 90% of the photographer do not monetize their photos. Here is a platform that can make you a non-professional to a professional photographer.
- We’re fair, transparent and easy to work with: We make it easy for you to work with us; we’re non-exclusive, we don’t tie you in with a long-term contract and let you choose what you want to sell. We also offer a better commission than most other agencies, we split it down – minimum 70/30 (the international marketplace average is about 70/30 with 70% going to the agency and we are the exact opposite).
- You can send us anything: Our customers love us and the variety of our photo collections – we are building a more extensive, broader, more unique photo collection of Bangladeshi content which is not available anywhere in the world.
- We’re ethical: We aim to create the best environment for buying and selling photos. As an independent agency, we’re not corporate and we have a friendly and open approach, underpinned by integrity and efficiency.