Buyers Terms and Condition
Buyers Terms and Conditions:
There are three kinds of Licenses for a buyer: Standard, Extended and Copyright.
- Standard License is a non-exclusive license where a buyer can use the purchased image within three months of purchase.
- The photo can be used worldwide.
- The photo can be reproduced in Digital Media (e.g., Social Media, eBook and Blogs) only once.
- There is no permission for the photo to be used in a Newspaper (print); however, it can be used in Digital News Portal only one time.
- The photo can be reproduced in a website/app/software only once.
- The photo can be used in a Presentation an unlimited number of times.
- The photo can be reproduced for Print (e.g. books, magazines, advertising posters and packaging) up to 50 copies.
- The photo cannot be reproduced for Out-of-Home advertising (e.g. tradeshow/conference signage, billboards, subway ads, etc).
- The photo can be reproduced for use in merchandise till up to 10 copies.
- The photo cannot be reproduced for Print Media Advertising.
- A copyright license is subject to discussion with the copyright holder.
Standard Licence - Rights-Managed/Rights-Ready
Limited to the specific use, medium, period of time, print volume, placement, size of content, and territory selected, and any other restrictions that accompany the content on the Chobir Baksho website (or any other method of content delivery) or in an order confirmation or invoice. Non-Exclusive, meaning that you do not have exclusive rights to use the content. Chobir Baksho can license the same content to other customers.
Enhanced Licence - Royalty-Free
Perpetual, meaning there is no expiration or end date on your rights to use the content. Worldwide, meaning content can be used in any geographic territory. Unlimited, meaning content can be used an unlimited number of times. Any and all media, meaning content can be used in print, in digital or in any other medium or format. Exclusive, meaning that you have exclusive rights to use the content. Chobir Baksho cannot license the same content to other customers after purchasing the image.
***If you would like to have full copyright of the photo, please contact Chobir Baksho to discuss a buy-out.